Saturday, October 1, 2016

Troop Round Up 2016

Look at our pictures from Troop Round Up! We had a terrific time!

Here are a few of my favorites:

We waited for the bus for a LONG time (a little over an hour). The girls kept busy by studying the map of activities. Then they made friends with a troop of Cadettes from Pacific. These girls taught them a fun new hand-clap game!

It's so heartwarming to see how these girls really take to heart "be a sister to every Girl Scout." Finally, we were on the bus!

When we arrived at Camp Cedarledge, we had lunch. The hot dogs were tasty! Then we saw the Teacher Recycling van and bookmark station. The girls made bookmarks and each chose a new book. They promised to read it outside!

We loved the leather stamping station!

Then it was time to pose on the bridge!

Archery was lots of fun!

It was starting to get a little rainy! We saw a photo spot, and quickly got into position in the canoe!

We went into the tent just as it was starting to rain! What incredible timing!

After the rain ended, we went to the SWAP spot before heading to the rock climbing area. We got to see some sunshine for a little while, as four of the girls bravely decided to climb!

Our Brownies were the cutest girls at Troop Round Up!

We made some boats for the rain gutter boat races, and stamped leaves at the Botanical Gardens station. Then we decided to board the bus!

We all had a really terrific time! We were surprised to hear that next year, there won't be a Troop Round Up...they will have "Shades of Green" at the America's Center instead! (Apparently that's what they do every five years.)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Kickoff the New School Year!

School starts next week! What better way to say "goodbye" to summer and "hello" to the new school year than a Girl Scout event at Watson Trails Park? The girls LOVED seeing each other!

We practiced tying knots and learning ways to use a bandana!



Yummmm! Tasty smores!

Welcome to a fantastic new year in second grade, Brownies!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Now We're Brownies!

For our first meeting as Brownies, we had tasty brownies for our snack!

The girls got some new pages for their "Brownie Books!" There are new Brownie songs to learn!

We read the book Only One You, and made rock fish. They're not finished yet! We'll have to work on them again!